Monday, June 26, 2006

On our way home - Dubai Airport

Ca y est c'est fini...
3 semaines qui sont passees trop vite evidemment.
On a encore quelques heures a passer a Dubai et un peu de duty free shopping a faire et apres c la derniere ligne droite et le retour a la sonmai. Photos coming soon.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Such a little monster we have!!

Bee reunited with her David

The family all together at last!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Penzberg, Germany chez Sandrine, Marina, Kilian et Walter

That's it. We finally got there after 30 hours of transit through Brisbane, Singapore and Dubai.
It feels like home, even the olive oil is the same as the one in Monaco and the lemons come from our garden :))
We went for a drive to see the surroundings this afternoon and stopped at this church/monastery on our way. schuss.